Winter is here in Brisbane and its been one of the coldest since I’ve been here. To warm the house up I’ve started baking quite a fair bit. I used to find baking quite hard and tedious, so I stayed away from It. I remember when I was young, watching my auntie bake; she used to measure everything to the gram, made sure the timing was right and waited in front of the oven till her cake was done. Oh Boy, I loved eating it, but so much hassle.

Whilst browsing through a “Gourmet” food magazine, I saw a fancy looking plate of something that look so familiar, It was a pandan chiffon cake. Then the flashbacks and craving started; my dad used to get us a pandan chiffon cake every time he goes to the Pasar Malam( Night markets in Malaysia), well “us” would be an overstatement...It was mainly for me...cos I would devourer half of it before bedtime.
Ingredients :
- 5 egg whites
- 1/3 cup caster sugar
- 5 egg yolks
- 5 tbs coconut milk
- 4 tbs vegetable oil
- 1/3 cup caster sugar, extra
- 150g plain flour, sifted
- 1 3/4 tsp baking powder, sifted
- pinch of salt
- pandan essence (preferably green for colour)
- Preheat oven at 170°C or there abouts
- In a large bowl, beat the egg whites with an electric mixer until soft peaks form. Add the sugar one tablespoon at a time and beat thoroughly after each addition until you achieve stiff peaks. Set aside. Almost like a meringue.
- In a separate bowl whisk egg yolks with extra caster sugar until thick, pale and fluffy. Add coconut milk, vegetable oil, pandan assents, flour and baking powder, and whisk until combined by folding the egg whites into the yolk mixture three batches.
- Pour into baking tray. To make it easy to take the cake out, I covered the tray with baking paper. Bake for half an hour, or until a skewer inserted in the centre of the cake comes out clean; personally I like the skewer method.
- When cake is out of the oven, leave it to cool down in the tin for a while.
Extra stuff :
- Blended coconut caramel : How?
1. Boil water and sugar(brown/dark sugar if available) till tick and caramelised
2. Mix the caramel and coconut flakes.
3. Let it cool down till harden
4. Then Blend it in a blended(i used a coffee bean blender), It look like sand.

And A slice for me!
Wow, you can bake too. And you serve it with coconut caramel, this is new to me, I must try soon .
Chiffon and angel food cakes are my favorites. Looks delicious.
Here is also very cold. Good time to bake. Love your recipe
I'm not familiar with pandan essence, but that's a nice chiffon cake you've made there. The coconut caramel sounds wonderful, too, and could be served with ice cream, or even mixed in. Two great ideas in one post!
wow Ron impressive great cake, and bison tastes like sweet beef :-)
oh my word that looks heavenly! the pictures plus the cake are leaving me hungry and jealous of your skills:) I love chiffon! you rock
It's hard to imagine cold weather now. It's SO hot in New Jersey. This cake looks lovely.
And you can bake ok:)It is winter in New Zealand too but firepalce saves us from cold and gives us cosy evenings:)
Thanks for dropping by and your lovely comment:) This chiffon cake looks lovely and perfectly baked.
I don't know pandan - but I want to. A new baked good is always welcome in my home - not on my hips - but there you are. We are in heat and humidity so baking is quick - crumbles and the such. But now I am looking for pandan in my market outings.
A beautiful and irresistible cake! I love pandan.
Mmm I've always wanted to try one of these! Glad to know that this recipe is a keeper!
I love the idea of this cake--it look so moist!
Your cake looks like and lovely! Nothing beats the rewards of baking.
Thanks for the lovely comments! I'm starting to enjoy baking quite a fair bit. Pandan is definitely a champion in my house!
Oh my God this looks so good and i`m sure that it is delicious too. I think it is not a very difficult recipe so i will give it a try, thanks a lot for sharing.
Fantastic blog!!!
Thank you for your comment! I like travel!
Maybe we can follow each other?
Besos, desde España, Marcela
Interesting blog, and great recipes!!! I love this chiffon cake.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
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